Cherry Class

Cherry is quite often a family’s first experience of the nursery environment. We acknowledge this and make it our priority to work very much in partnership with parents. We offer a nurturing environment where your child is introduced to many new experiences which have been carefully planned to meet your child’s individual needs.

The classroom has been especially designed to enable children to freely choose equipment and activities of interest. Tables and seating are low level and equipment is easily accessible. Children are given daily opportunities to experience age-appropriate arts and crafts, sensory play, play dough and many other stimulating activities that encourage their natural curiosity.

Children are allocated a key person who will work closely with you and your child, making observations on his or her progress and who will plan effectively to enhance your child’s learning opportunities. We follow ‘in the moment’ planning in the Cherry class, which means that we are always providing activities that are relevant to the children’s interest and development at that moment.

We also enjoy daily outdoor play or visits to the local park, where children are taken in pushchairs to see the various animals, flowers and park life.

We introduce a range of initiatives in this room which we hope will support the children in becoming successful, happy learners later.

These include:

  • promoting a growth mindset through using positive language and supporting persistence,
  • becoming familiar with our six golden rules (for this age group, they are simplified as ‘we try hard’, ‘we are kind and helpful. ‘we are gentle’, ‘we are honest’, ‘we listen well’ and ‘we look after things’),
  • introducing circle time with support from our room puppet, Millie the mouse, and
  • including ‘mindful moments’ in this time to introduce mindfulness.

We also promote British Values and social and environmental responsibility within the room through play, interactions, and celebrations.


Cherry Class Photos