Garden Makeover – Staff Training Day – April 2023

The staff had a wonderful day cleaning, tidying and updating the resources and equipment in the gardens during our Staff Training Day on the 17th April 2023.  Our aim is for the children to be independent learners in the gardens by self-selecting as many resources as possible. To facilitate this, we have large loose parts areas which support and encourage the children to work together as a team, develop their gross motor skills, imagination and problem solving.

We expanded the growing area in the middle garden which will allow the children to grow, tend and eat many more fruit, vegetables and we also created a mini beast hunt area for the children to explore. The mud kitchen was expanded, dug over and restocked. P.E. trolley was restocked with different size balls, bats and cones ready for the children to develop their gross motor skills.

We hope the children will enjoy exploring, playing and learning in the revised garden areas.

Garden Makeover